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About: adminjeff

Posts by adminjeff:

Mild Traumatic Brain Injury

Over the past 30 years, Dr. Jeff J. Mollins has specialized in the treatment, diagnosis, and documentation of injuries sustained by accident victims (car accidents, work accidents, slip and falls, construction accidents). It is not uncommon for individuals hurt in accidents to sustain a mild traumatic brain injury (or mild TBI). This injury is common […]

Importance of Pain Management Doctors When Treating Injuries Sustained by Accident Victims

Dr. Jeff J. Mollins, Brooklyn’s premier accident specialist has been diagnosing, treating and documenting injuries sustained by patients hurt in accidents (automobile accidents, work accident, construction accidents, slip and falls) for 30 years. The first line of defense in the treatment of injuries sustained by patients injured in accidents is conservative treatment. Initially, if possible, […]

Was I Injured Badly Enough to File Worker’s Comp?

If you’ve been injured on the job, but not hurt enough that you obviously qualify for worker’s compensation, you may wonder if you should bother filing. Where is the line between an injury that doesn’t qualify and one that does? It’s not always immediately clear, but there are some basic guidelines you can use to […]


Unfortunately, most individuals that are injured on the job in New York State are completely unaware that they can receive medical care (with no out of pocket expense) for any injuries that result from that accident. In addition, these injured people can miss work (if physically unable) and be paid lost wages until they are […]

Can I Be Fired for Filing Worker’s Comp?

One of the things that keeps many employees from filing a worker’s compensation case after being injured on the job is the fear of being fired or otherwise punished by their boss. Many people don’t understand how the state of New York and the federal government protects individuals who were injured at work and have […]

Neck Pain

Dr. Jeff J. Mollins, accident specialist, has been practicing in downtown Brooklyn for 30 years. Dr. Mollins specializes in the diagnosis, treatment and documentation of injuries sustained by individuals involved in accidents (automobile, work, slip and fall, and construction). One of the most common conditions treated by Dr. Mollins is neck pain. Injuries to the […]

Tips for Keeping a Construction Zone Accident-Free

Many accidents occur daily on construction sites across the country. Unfortunately, any industry that involves using power tools, heavy materials, and large equipment is going to see a higher rate of accidents than others. But that doesn’t mean your construction crew can’t be kept safe. You can lower the number of construction accident claims that […]


Dr. Jeff J. Mollins, Brooklyn’s premier accident specialist has been diagnosing, treating, and documenting injuries sustained by individuals involved in accidents (automobile, work, slip and fall, construction) for 30 years. Dr. Mollins works very closely with his “in house team” of referred medical specialist. By working with this accomplished group of physicians, Dr. Mollins is […]

Common Construction Site Accidents

Accidents can happen on any job site, but construction sites tend to see a higher number of accidents simply because they’re often unorganized and cluttered with materials and tools. While workers are often the victims of these accidents, some passers-by or visitors can also be injured and will want to file a construction accident claim. […]

Is Sitting the New Smoking?

With the steady rise of digital technology, sitting has become the most common posture in the workplace. Most desk workers spend an average of 10 hours a day sitting in front of a computer, which leaves very little opportunity for physical activity throughout the day. Sitting can be extremely detrimental to your health – even […]