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How To Keep A Workplace Safe To Avoid A Workman’s Compensation Claim

The purpose of workers’ compensation is to provide medical coverage to injured employees and cover any lost wages. However, as an employer, there are ways that a workplace can be safe so that a workman’ compensation claim can be avoided. Plus, when there are a lot of claims for workers’ compensation, it should raise a red flag in the amount of workplace safety.

Below are the three methods that can help keep a workplace safe to avoid a workman’s compensation claim.

Conduct Risk Assessment

Create a safety team that is dedicated to safety and who can make an assessment of risks involving the business. The assessment may involve bringing in consultants and risk managers who can recognize risks and dangers. They will then be able to develop methods to decrease the known risks. The risk assessment may consist of the following:

  • A safety plan that includes company policies surrounding conduct and the reporting method for incidents and injuries.
  • Provide safety plan updates. These updates need to be conducted whenever a new process is integrated.
  • Involve the insurance provider so that they can provide helpful insights that are inline with your business so that prevention is strengthened.

Embed Safety In The Workplace Culture

By creating a culture based on safety, it needs to be collaborative in nature among all staff. This can be done easily with a safety program that will not only eliminate workplace injuries but also enhance employee productivity, retention, and morale.

  • Have the safety program explain your policies on safety and have the policies reviewed by all staff on the day of hire.
  • Advertise safety awareness throughout the business through staff meetings and safety flyers.
  • Encourage safety by offering rewards for safety track records and communicate your appreciation to all employees for maintaining safety.

Provide Employee Safety Training

All staff need to be trained covering all company safety standards so that the work environment remains safe. Plus, there should be continuous training that refreshes the staff. These refreshments are a great way to have staff reminded about safety so that good safety practices are maintained, such as proper lifting and using safety equipment like wet floor signs. Ensure that the training is:

  • Often and at the time of hire for new employees that covers equipment that is both related and unrelated to the job.
  • Ensure communication is open concerning safety.
  • Integrate safety reviews in the time of an incident so that further incidents can be prevented.
  • Combine different types of training so that the training program is effective. This effective training can be accomplished in a classroom or through an online course. With many options for training allows the employee to schedule their training when time permits.

Maintaining a safe workplace is an important part to avoid a workers’ compensation claim. When you contact our office, we can discuss how important workplace safety truly is for you and your staff.

Posted in: Blog, Workers Compensation