Workers Compensation Lies to be Aware of
- Posted on: Mar 28 2023
Many injuries and illnesses that occur in a workplace will involve different circumstances. Regardless of which industry an injury takes place in, there will always be a risk for fraud to occur. In order to be aware of what lies surround workers’ compensation, it is good to be aware of some common types.
Fraud While on Personal Time
Commonly referred to as “Weekend Warrior Fraud,” the injury will occur as they are on their free time away from work. When they return to work, they make a claim stating the injury took place prior to the weekend or the day they return. In order for validation of the injury to take place, an employer must investigate the injury thoroughly and ensure that all details are investigated right from the start. There should be plenty of questions ready to ask by the time Monday comes around.
The Double Dipper
When a double dipper is created, it will be due to them taking advantage of the system through collecting benefits while still receiving paychecks. The pay from the benefits will come from an external source so there may be a lack of communication between the company and the insurance providing the benefits. In order to prevent double dipping, an employer must have a program developed that provides oversight for workplace injury. You should receive full doctor reports concerning the injury and any updates that involve returning to work.
Lies Among Medical Providers
A workers’ compensation lie can also take place among medical providers. When these lies occur, the doctor will charge high fees or even charge what they feel like charging. Usually, the insurance company will have no choice but to cover the cost.
Injury Exaggeration
When an employee is injured, they can even lie about the severity of the injury to make it appear worse than it is. An example is claiming that they have physical disabilities and the injury does not allow them to perform their normal tasks. Despite this, there will be photos showing them participating in physical activities.
Spot The Lies In Workers’ Compensation Claims
When you are able to spot the lies in a workers’ compensation claim, you are able to put a stop to it. When you get in touch with us, we can go into detail about what to look for specifically in a lie so that fraud can be eliminated.
Posted in: Uncategorized, Workers Compensation