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Are Car Accidents Covered by Workers Compensation?

When you are in a car accident, filing a claim for workers’ compensation may not be what you are thinking about. Regardless, when you are on the clock and are in a car accident, then you will likely be covered by workers’ compensation coverage.

With years of experience working with workers’ compensation, our doctor is able to assist in your case by providing the best medical care possible following your accident and injury. So once you begin to feel pain that may be associated with your injury, get a hold of us for your medical needs.

Determining If an Accident Took Place While Working

When you are hurt while working, you need to understand that workers’ compensation does not cover every type. This is why you need to understand if an injury has taken place while working or not. This means you are injured during a time period of which your employer is paying you and that tasks that you were performing are related to your job.

When you are injured and you were driving for a work-related event, then the insurance should cover your injuries. The following circumstances can be included in order for compensation to take place:

  • Transiting between worksites
  • Conducting errands
  • Delivering work items
  • Driving for official purposes
  • Driving for pay

When your job is a truck driver or taxi, then the company will have workers’ compensation insurance in place so you will be able to file for a claim and get treated.

Plus, when you are based remotely and you are driving with travel time paid and an accident occurs, then workers’ compensation will be able to cover the injuries while commuting.

If you are not on the clock, then workers’ compensation will not likely cover you if you are in a car accident. These times may also involve unpaid lunch times. However, when you are on a paid break, then you will be covered by workers’ compensation. Also, if you were deviating from your normal work, then your claim may become denied.

Is Workers’ Compensation Coverage Provided If You Are At Fault

You should not get workers’ compensation confused with a personal injury claim. As opposed to a personal injury claim, workers’ compensation is not based on fault. This means fault is not needed to be proven in order to receive care or other benefits.

When an employee causes an accident, they will still be eligible for benefits from workers’ compensation. To learn more about the differences of workers’ compensation and how it relates to car accidents, give us a call today.

Posted in: Auto Accident Doctor, Blog, Workers Compensation