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Does Worker’s Comp Cover Stress and Anxiety?

Worker’s comp covers a wide variety of health conditions, including mental health. In some cases, this can mean that you can receive worker’s compensation for stress and anxiety. However, like other chronic conditions such as asthma or carpal tunnel, you do have to show that your condition is connected to and caused by your job. That’s not always easy, unfortunately. Here are a few things to keep in mind if you want to file for worker’s comp for stress or anxiety.

You Have to Closely Tie it to Your Job

The first step is showing that your stress and anxiety came directly from your job. Often, this means showing that a traumatic event occurred or that you were subjected to specific working conditions for a long period of time. You will need support from qualified mental health and medical experts. In cases of psychological conditions, you will likely need to have a long paper trail that shows your condition grew over time.

In addition to showing your stress is tied to your job, you may need to distinctly show that activities outside of your job did not contribute to stress. You won’t need to do this when you file for worker’s comp, but be aware that the review board is likely going to inquire about them. You’ll want to be ready for that.

You Need to Show “Above-Average” Stress

New York worker’s comp laws state that in order to submit a claim for stress, you need to show that you were put under “above-average” levels of stress. General working stress, which nearly everyone faces, will not be enough to win your case. You have to show that you were put under more stress than those in similar positions face. This can be difficult to do, but you aren’t limited to showing a single incident or stressful event. If you can show that you were routinely placed under high levels of stress that are unusual for your position or industry, you can still win your case.

Work with Experts

If you’re going to file a worker’s comp claim, you want to work with the best. Dr. Jeff Mollins and his team are here to help you with your paperwork and other worker’s comp needs. Contact us today to schedule a free case evaluation.

Posted in: Blog, Uncategorized, Work Injuries, Workers Compensation