Common Occupational Diseases Covered by Workers’ Comp
- Posted on: Apr 27 2021
Workers’ comp does more than just cover on-the-job injuries. It also covers conditions brought on due to the nature of your job or the environment in which you work. While there are a number of diseases that could be caused by your job, you do have to show that there is a link between work and your medical condition. If you can make that connection, though, workers’ comp will typically cover the cost of your treatment and other costs. Here are some of the most common occupational diseases that workers’ comp will cover.
Respiratory Conditions
If you work in construction, in a mine, or in any other location where you’re likely breathing in a lot of dust, dirt, and other grime, it’s often easy to show a link between your work environment and any respiratory condition you come down with. This includes asthma and other breathing conditions. You may be able to prove such a link in an office or other setting, too. For example, if someone uses harsh cleaning chemicals and you breathe these cleaners in on a regular basis, you could develop a lung condition that was directly caused by your work environment. Being around paint fumes, even if you’re not the one doing the actual painting, may also fall under workers’ comp if you are often around the fumes.
Carpal Tunnel
Another very common occupational condition is carpal tunnel. Anyone who works on the computer for most of the day or does a job that requires repetitive motions made with the hands, wrists, or arms is at risk. Many employers have taken steps to prevent carpal tunnel such as supplying employees with ergonomic keyboards and requiring regular breaks. However, carpal tunnel is still a condition that affects many people every year.
Loss of Hearing
Those who work around loud machinery all the time may experience hearing loss after a number of years, even if they use protective equipment. Riding in vehicles with loud engines may affect your hearing, and even being exposed to loud telephone noise, if it’s constant, may be able to be linked to hearing issues. It all depends on the type of work you do, the consistency of the noise, and what protective equipment your employer provides.
Want to learn more about workers’ comp and occupational diseases? Dr. Jeff Mollins and his team are here for you. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.
Posted in: Blog, Diagnostic Testing, Physical Examinations, Uncategorized, Work Injuries, Workers Compensation