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Steps to Ensure Workers Comp Coverage for Chiropractic Treatment

Following a work accident or overuse injury, In order to ensure your chiropractic visits are covered by workers compensation, you can visit your chiropractor, who is considered a primary care physician. If you are injured at work and have back or neck pain, you can go to a chiropractor immediately.

You don’t even have to worry about filling out forms because if you are hurt on the job you are guaranteed medical coverage for all areas of your injury as it relates to the accident. But remember, all doctors (including chiropractor) MUST be workers comp certified.

As a New York State Workers Compensation Board-certified chiropractor, Dr. Mollins and his knowledgeable office staff have helped thousands of Brooklyn and residents of the greater New York City area on their path to recovery.

It is recommended (but not necessary), that when you get hurt on the job, you fill out an accident report. By law, every employer must have a C-2 form (or accident report) that should be filled out at the time of the accident. The reason this is important, but not mandatory is that if the employer ever wants to controvert the claim, an accident report provides undeniable proof that the accident occurred and lists in details injured areas of the body.

In order to open up a workers comp claim, the injured person must complete a C-3 form, which describes when and how the accident occurred and what areas are affected. C-3 MUST be submitted to the New York State Workers compensation Board and to the employer’s insurance carrier (every employer must have workers comp insurance with a certified insurance carrier). Dr. Mollins recommends that an injured worker goes to a workers compensation attorney if the injuries are significant and the patient may need extended time off from work. You never know when an injury may be permanent. Your workers comp attorney will make sure the forms are completed properly.

Finally, you need medical documentation. Workers injured on the job can ONLY go to a certified workers compensation doctor, who will submit a timely form called a C-4. This form states the diagnosis, level of disability, and a determination of if the patient is working or not. Remember based on the C-4, a patient can get paid if physically unable to work. Also, all medical treatment is covered at no expense and the injured worker can receive treatment whether working or not.

Posted in: Workers Compensation