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What Type of Doctor Should You See For Your Workers Comp Injury

When a worksite injury is sustained, you will likely experience a good amount of stress. When your employer only advises you to go see a doctor, you need to know which type to see. Of course, the type of injury will determine the type of doctor you should see. The different doctors will also provide […]

Most Common Orthopedic Surgery Techniques

It can be hard dealing with medical problems. Not only does the patient have to go through discomfort while being unable to enjoy normal activities, but there is no way to know if a chronic condition will improve. If surgery is needed, then the amount of fear can be even more. With that, some relief […]

Should Massage Techniques Be Used For Work Injuries

A large number of employees who get injured on the job will search for a massage therapist to help relieve the pain through various massage techniques. A massage is used to assist the body part’s ability to heal. What you should remember is that an injury heals in different stages, the same as the therapy […]

Does a Strain Need Surgery

Experiencing muscle pains and strains during strenuous exercise is common. Regardless, when a serious strain occurs, it will usually involve muscle tearing as a result. Tearing of the muscle will likely result from pushing the body past its physical limits. This tearing will also likely occur when an individual is not properly prepared for exercise. […]

Ice vs Heat for Injuries

It is incredible to think of how great our body is. However, when an injury occurs, it may feel like the body is our worst enemy. Regardless of what you do and what your profession is, having an injury is never a good thing. There is a positive side to this though and that is […]

What Is an Orthopedist

Commonly known as an orthopedic doctor, an orthopedist concentrates on various conditions involving the musculoskeletal system. As an orthopedist, their main goals are to assist in the diagnosing of musculoskeletal conditions and treating them accordingly, aiding with patient rehabilitation, and developing plans to fend off any further injury. Although an orthopedist makes the entire musculoskeletal […]

What Is A Neurologist?

A neurologist is a doctor that specializes in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of issues in the brain and the nervous system. A neurologist will not perform any surgery on a patient. Instead, they offer expert advice when the illness calls for one. As such, a neurologist needs at least four years of medical school […]

Mistakes to Avoid During Your Work Injury Claim

Injury insurance providers will not put themselves in your shoes at the time of your injury. It would be best if you were clever with your claims beforehand. If you are filing for an injury claim, make sure you avoid these mistakes. Give insurers no room to keep you from claiming. However, most of these […]

Four Types of Psychological Tests to Judge TBI

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is any injury to the brain due to a severe blow to the head, a fall, contact with a blunt instrument, or whiplash in case of an accident. It can result in temporary or permanent impairment of cognitive, physical, or psychosocial function, which is recognized only after a clinical examination and […]

Common Injuries from an On-the-Job Accident

Employers do their best to ensure that no one gets hurt on the job. There are safety regulations they must follow, and many implement safety protocols that go above and beyond these required measures. However, no matter how vigilant an employer is, accidents can happen. Here are some of the most common injuries that those […]