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Types of Diagnostic Tests You May Need in a Workers Comp Case

If you’ve been injured in an accident at work, you may need to have one or several different diagnostic tests done. These tests can show the full extent of the injury, including broken bones and torn muscles. Here are some of the most common types of diagnostic tests that may be ordered in a workers comp case.

General Radiology Tests

General radiology tests can range from basic X-rays to CAT scans and ultrasounds. This category of tests is fairly broad, and it includes numerous types of tests. The ones ordered for your injury are determined by the location of the injury and what type of injury it was. For a broken bone, you will likely get X-rays, but if you hurt your head, you may need a CAT scan instead.


An MRI or Magnetic Resonance Imaging test allows doctors to view the soft tissue via computer. The doctor will inject a special dye into the body that makes it easier to view damage or inflammation.


An EMG test or electromyography shows the electrical activity in your muscles and nerves. It can help diagnose a back injury such as a pinched nerve. Very thin needles are placed in the muscle and send signals back to a computer for diagnosis.

Vestibular Testing

Vestibular tests are used to diagnose conditions related to balance. They can be used to determine if you’ve injured your brain, the nerves in the vestibular system, or the part of your inner ear that helps keep you balanced. This is often done by careful evaluation of your eyes and their movement.

Autonomic Nervous System Tests

Finally, autonomic nervous system tests help determine if something is wrong with your autonomic nervous system. This system controls things such as your heart rate, blood pressure, skin temperature, and sweating.

If you’ve been injured in an accident at work and need testing done, call the office of Dr. Jeff Mollins as soon as possible. The earlier these tests are done, the easier it will be to win your workers comp case.

Posted in: Blog, Diagnostic Testing