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Why You Need to Be Checked for Whiplash after an Auto Accident

If you’ve been in an auto accident, you may have felt your head being whipped forwards and backwards when you were hit. This motion is called whiplash, and it can be much more dangerous than you may think. In fact, many people who are in minor car accidents assume that they’re fine when, in reality, they’re suffering from whiplash. You need to be checked for whiplash as soon as possible after an auto accident for several reasons.

You May Not Be Able to Make a Claim

Often, signs of whiplash don’t show up for hours or even days after an accident. If you later discover you have pain from whiplash, it can be too late to file a personal injury claim because you weren’t diagnosed right away. Your insurance company and the person responsible for the accident can claim that you were injured after the fact. If you don’t have medical documents stating that you were examined and diagnosed with whiplash and injury right after the accident, there’s often no way to fight back.

In addition to being checked for whiplash, you need to have a full physical examination following an accident to check for other injuries. Due to the adrenaline rush, you may not realize how badly you were hurt until later if you aren’t checked by a medical expert.

Whiplash Needs to be Treated

While whiplash doesn’t usually lead to severe problems, it can still lead to neck and back pain, tinnitus, dizziness, headache, and more. Often, these symptoms last for quite some time, which can make it difficult to get a good night’s sleep and make you very angry and frustrated, especially if your personal injury claim is being denied.

Having whiplash treated as quickly as possible helps reduce the amount of pain you’ll be in and can improve the healing process. You’ll be able to avoid much of the stiffness and decreased range of motion that often occurs due to whiplash.

Get the Help You Need

If you’ve been in a car accident, you need to see a medical expert quickly. Dr. Jeff Mollins is an experienced personal injury doctor who knows what to look for in auto injury accidents. Contact Dr. Mollins today to make an appointment.

Posted in: Auto Accident Doctor, Back Pain Treatment, Blog, Injury Treatment, Neck Pain Treatment, Uncategorized