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Dealing with Repetitive Motion Injuries

Repetitive motion injuries which are also called repetitive stress injuries are temporary or permanent injuries to muscles, nerves, ligaments, and tendons caused by doing the same motion over and over again. A common example of this is carpal tunnel syndrome which is occurs when the median nerve, which travels from the forearm to the hand through a “tunnel” in the wrist, is compressed by swollen, inflamed ligaments and tendons. It is often seen with people who use computer keyboards or work on assembly lines. Repetitive motion injuries can be uncomfortable and may hinder your work output while disabling your ability to perform daily tasks.

Treatment for Repetitive Motion Injuries

Home care for a painful or swollen joint should only be performed if the injury is not infected or serious. To begin, elevate the injured part and ensure you do not move it for a while. Next, use an icepack or cold compress to bring down the swelling and numb the pain. It is recommended that you ice the injured part two to three times a day for thirty minutes each time. Wrap ice or a bag of frozen vegetables in a towel and place it on the area. It is important to note that if your shoulder is involved, you should not keep it immobile for more than 24-48 hours because your shoulder may become frozen and have decreased range of motion.

When Should You Call a Workers Compensation Doctor?

If you experience pain in movement of arms and legs seek medical assistance immediately; this is because arms and legs are important body parts needed for motion. Failure to treat them as soon as possible could have serious consequences on your motor skills. If you see an increased redness and warmth on the affected area, you should go to see a doctor. This is because it may be infected or have internal bleeding. Finally, inability to sleep on the affected side or experiencing awakening pain at night should be a sign that the injury is too severe to treat at home; seek medical assistance as soon as possible.

Dr. Mollins has over 25 years’ experience dealing with workers compensation claims dealing with repetitive motion injuries. Visit our website today or visit us on FaceBook to get helpful insight on this and more interesting topics.

Posted in: Blog, Diagnostic Testing, Injury Documentation, Injury Treatment, Work Injuries, Workers Compensation