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Preventing Back Pain by Maintaining Strong Core Muscles

As an expert in the diagnosis, treatment, and documentation of injuries sustained in accidents for almost 30 years, Dr. Jeff J. Mollins is well aware that no matter how careful we are, accidents simply happen and cannot totally be avoided. Dr. Mollins also knows that by maintaining strong, core muscles, an individual will be less likely to sustain a back injury if an accident should unfortunately occur.

The bones of the spine provide the supporting frame for the back. Connected to this frame is an intricate system of muscles and ligaments that increase the strength and stability of the spine, arms and legs. The abdominal muscles and back muscles are key components of this muscular network, and provide the strength to keep the body upright and for movement. When these “core muscles” are in poor condition, additional stress is applied to the spine as it supports the body, and back injury or back pain is more likely.

There are three categories of core muscles:

  • Extensors (back and gluteal muscles): These muscles are used to straighten the back (stand), lift, and extend, and adduct the hip (move the thigh away from the body).
  • Flexors (abdominal and illiopsoas muscles): These muscles are used to bend and support the spine from the front. The Flexors also control the arch of the lumbar (lower) spine, and flex and adduct the hip (move the thigh in toward the body).
  • Obliques or Rotators (paraspinal muscles): These muscles are used to stabilize the spine when upright. The obliques also rotate the spine and help maintain proper posture and spinal curvature.

Weak supporting muscles can have painful spasms and suffer injuries themselves, which then prevent  them from supporting the spine as needed. Compromised muscles can also lead to problems with bone structure of the spine due to poor posture from the weak muscles, thereby creating an increased risk of back pain or back injury. Consequently, developing combined strength in stomach muscles and back muscles can:

  • Reduce the likelihood of back pain episodes
  • Reduce the severity of back pain
  • Protect against injury by responding efficiently to stresses
  • Help avoid back surgery
  • Facilitate healing from a back problem after an accident
  • Improve posture

Dr. Mollins strongly recommends that every individual do their best to maintain strong core muscles. Exercise, regular stretching, maintaining proper weight are just some of the aspects of preventing back pain. However, if you do sustain an accident, call Dr. Mollins immediately. He will diagnose your ailment and place you on a proper treatment regimen so you will achieve wellness as expeditiously as possible.

Posted in: Back Pain Treatment, Blog