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Chiropractic Treatment for Headache Relief

Headaches are something that many of us suffer through often – sometimes even every day. But while headaches can be a sign of tension, dehydration, or a number of underlying issues, we most often reach for a bottle of painkillers to stop the pain instead of going straight to the source.

As a NYS Workers Compensation Board-certified chiropractor, Dr. Jeff Mollins, D.C. helps Brooklyn workers injured on the job, treating neuromusculoskeletal (nerves, muscles and bones) issues that arise as a result of a work accident or overuse injury.

Dr. Mollins determines to the source of each patient’s headache. Oftentimes, chiropractic adjustments can reduce the frequency of tension headaches, migraine headaches, or cluster headaches, some of which may be caused by overuse injuries or the result of lingering symptoms from a previous work accident. In some cases, a problem with the spine could cause irritated nerves and cause jaw clenching, which creates the tension that causes headaches. It’s possible you may experience headaches if the bones in your spine are not supporting your neck properly.

If you suffer from headaches, a Brooklyn workers compensation chiropractor can help to find the parts of your spine that may not be aligned properly which could be leaving you in pain. With an adjustment from a chiropractor, you can better support your head, reduce tension, and relieve painful tightness in the neck. Frequent alignments from the chiropractor can also reduce headaches by eliminating problems where parts of the spine are irritating the nerves.

According to a study of 87 headache sufferers who were treated with chiropractic adjustments over a two-year period, there was marked improvement. The study revealed that the chiropractic treatment led to the elimination of common migraines or or a marked improvement in 85 percent of the females and 50 percent of the males. Patients with classical migraine improved at a rate of 78 percent for females and 75 percent for males.

It’s important to note that each headache patient is affected by different factors and a chiropractor’s recommendations and treatment vary depending on each individual case.

Additionally, depending on the type and severity of headache, your chiropractor may refer you to other health care specialists. Dr. Mollins’ referred specialists are also certified to treat workers compensation. This means quality care along with properly documented injuries as per the New York workers compensation law.

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